The Muestra de Saka Unstolen Valor is a full-strength toro that is hand crafted at the Nicaraguan American Cigars (NACSA) factory in Nicaragua. Its dark chocolatey Ecuadorian Habana 2000 Sun-grown wrapper artfully cloaks a Nicaraguan Jalapa binder, and a filler composed of tobaccos from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and USA Connecticut. This special blend delivers a potent, full-bodied smoking experience that is spicy with notes of green and white peppercorn, and an underlying cedar sweetness. Unstolen Valor is part of Muestra de Saka�s line of specially blended premium cigars. Unlike the other cigars under the Muestra de Saka line, which are created by Steve Saka (master blender for Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust), Unstolen Valor was blended by NACSA�s general manager and master blender Raul Disla as a challenge from Steve Saka to create a personal best recipe. And Disla�s creation lives up to that challenge.