In addition to a steady stream of sky-high ratings and two previous ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ titles from Cigar Aficionado, the My Father brand adds to its celebrated portfolio with My Father La Opulencia, the 95-rated ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ for 2018. Legendary father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia blend a superb recipe of premium aged tobaccos to their uncompromising standards for flavor and aroma. A glistening and perfectly fermented San Andrés Oscuro wrapper leaf conceals a hearty mixture of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos patiently matured for optimal taste. A potent, full-bodied profile delivers earthy notes of wood, black pepper, espresso beans, and signature Nicaraguan spices with a leathery texture and intriguing aroma. For fans of hearty Nicaraguan cigars, My Father La Opulencia guarantees to please.